
The Friendship Village is an international reconciliation project that cares for disabled children and adults who suffer from the legacy of the Vietnam war (Agent Orange Victim). It was initiated by a former US soldier, George Mizo, in 1998 together with his former enemies and other veterans who shared his desire for peace and reconciliation. In the following years many committed people from different countries joined, and today an international committee from Canada, Germany, France, Japan, USA and Vietnam work together to finance and organize the Friendship Village.

The Friendship Village offers therapeutic help for mentally and physically disabled children as well as their educational training and medical care. Adults who suffer from the consequences of war get help in the Friendship Village as well.

Daily schedule


In class 1,2 and 3:

1. Education:
+ Assist teachers in instructing children on writing (holding their hands to write letters) and Math (addition and subtraction)
+ Teach children to draw simple things like house, trees, etc.
+ Games with numbers (like Bingo)
+ Lessons on emotional skills
2. Physical Coordination:
+ Making bracelets with strings and beads
+ Play with balls
+ Do some simple dance 


In Class 4+5:
1. Education:
+ Assist teachers in teaching children Math
+ Teach some English
+ Lessons on soft skills
2. Speech Therapy (some deaf kids can still make sound)
3. Games:
+ Join the kids in making LEGO, doing puzzles, playing chess
+ Make arts and crafts (like puppets with recycled water bottles or wool)


Vocational class:

1. Morning:
+ Physical Education (indoors). Need volunteers to pay attention to each kid and tell him/ her to follow the teacher’s instructions
+ Cooking class. Volunteers can help the teacher keep control of the class or teach the class a new dish from their home countries.
2. Afternoon:

Self-care lessons. Need volunteers to give one-on-one instructions.
+ Brush teeth
+ Wash hair
+ Wash hands and feet